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  Journal Articles


McMahon, K.†, Baylis, K., Sweeney, S., & Funk, C. (2024). "Does humidity matter? Prenatal heat and child health in South Asia."

Lentz, E., Baylis, K., Michelson, H., and †Chungmann, Kim. (2024). IPC Accuracy Study: Analyzing The Internal Consistency of IPC AFI And AMN Analyses. Integrated Food Security Phase Classification.


Storm, H., Heckelei, T., Baylis, K., & Mittenzwei, K. (2023). Identifying farmers' response to changes in marginal and average subsidies using deep learning. American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Nino, Gustavo,† Baylis, K. and Crost, B. “Conflict and Farm Investment: Evidence from the Colombian Peace Agreement.”  Forthcoming in the Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.

Gatti, N., Cecil, M., Baylis, K., Estes, L., Blekking, J., Heckelei, T., Vergopolan, N. and Evans, T., 2023. "Is closing the agricultural yield gap a “risky” endeavor?". Agricultural Systems, 208: 103657.

Shukla, P., Pullabhotla, H.K. and Baylis, K., 2023. "The economics of reducing food losses: Experimental evidence from improved storage technology in India". Food Policy, 117: 102442.

Ordonez, P., Baylis, K. and Ramirez, M.I., 2023. "Land cover change effects from community forest management in Michoacán, Mexico." Environmental Research Letters.

Anderson, P.,† Davenport, F., Baylis, K. and Shukla, S., 2023. "Using domestic weather disturbances and price transmission for maize price predictions in Southern Africa." (No. EGU23-11432). Copernicus Meetings.

Palmer-Young, E.C., Malfi, R., Zhou, Y., Joyce, B., Whitehead, H., Van Wyk, J.I., Baylis, K., Grubbs, K., Boncristiani, D.L., Evans, J.D. and Irwin, R.E., 2023. "Sunflower-Associated Reductions in Varroa Mite Infestation of Honey Bee Colonies". Journal of Economic Entomology, 116(1): 68-77.


Shukla, P.,† H. Pullabhotla† and K. Baylis. 2022. “The trouble with zero: Limits to adopting technology adoption.”  Journal of Development Economics. 158(September): 102920. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2022.102920.

Hannah, Corrie,† Julia Davies,† Rachel Green,† Andrew Zimmer,† Patrese Anderson,† Jane Battersby, Kathy Baylis, Nupur Joshi† and Tom P. Evans. 2022. “Persistence of open air markets in the food systems of Africa’s secondary cities.” Cities 124(May):1-17.

Baylis, K., L. Nogueira, L. Fan,† and K. Pace.† 2022. “Something Fishy? Tariff versus Non-Tariff Barriers in Seafood Trade.”  American Journal of Agricultural Economics: 1-23. DOI:10.1111/ajae.12303

Castle, S.E.,† D.C. Miller, N. Merten, P.J. Ordonez,† and K. Baylis. 2022. “Evidence for the impacts of agroforestry on ecosystem services and human well-being in high-income countries: a systematic map.” Environmental Evidence 11(1): 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13750-022-00260-4.

Baylis, K. , J. Coppess, B. Gramig, and P. Sachdeva.† 2022. “Agri-Environmental Programs in the United States and Canada.” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 16(1): 83-104.



Blekking, J.,† N. Gatti,† K. Waldman, T. Evans, K. Baylis. 2021. “Who gains from agricultural cooperative membership? Evidence from rural Zambia.”  World Development, 146: 1-11.

Baylis, K., T. Heckelei and T. Hertel. 2021. “Agricultural Trade and Sustainability” Annual Reviews of Resource Economics 13: 379-401.

Baylis, K., E. Lichtenberg and E. Lichtenberg. 2021. “Economics of Pollination” Annual Reviews of Resource Economics 13: 335-54.

Zhou, Y.,† E. Lentz and H. Michelson, C. Kim† and K. Baylis,. 2021. “Predicting food security with machine learning.” Applied Economics Policy and Perspectives, 1:18.

Shah, P., K. Baylis, J. Busch, and J. Engelmann. 2021.  “How effective are protected areas globally?  Determinants and implications for conservation.” Environmental Research Letters 16(7).

Tabe-Ojong, Martin Paul,† T. Heckelei, and K. Baylis. 2021. “Aspiration formation and ecological shocks in rural Kenya.”  European Journal of Development Research: 1-28.

Fan, L.,† M. Saksena, C. Gundersen, and K. Baylis.  2021. “The Use of Charitable Food Assistance among Low-Income Households in the U.S.”  Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 121(1): 27-35.

Gatti, N.,† K. Baylis and B. Crost. 2021. “Does irrigation reduce the impact of climate shocks on conflict? Evidence from Indonesia.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103(1): 211-231.

S.E. Castle,† Miller, D.C., P.J. Ordonez,†, K. Hughes and K. Baylis. 2021. “The impacts of agroforestry on agricultural productivity, ecosystem services, and human well-being in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 17(2), e1167.



Miller, D.C., P.J. Ordonez,† S. Brown†, S. Forrest†, N. Nava†, K. Hughes and K. Baylis. 2020. “The impacts of agroforestry on agricultural productivity, ecosystem services, and human well-being in low- and middle-income countries: An evidence and gap map.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 16(1).

Von Gnechten, R. †, J. Wang, † .M. Konar, K. Baylis, P. Anderson†, N. Jackson†, S. Giroux, T. Evans. 2020. “A gravity model network analysis of household food sharing in Zambia.”  Environmental Research Letters 15(11): 115010.

Waldman, K.B., P.M. Todd, S. Omar, J.P. Blekking,† S. Giroux,† S.Z. Attari, K. Baylis, T. Evans. 2020.  “Agricultural decision-making and climate uncertainty in developing countries,” Environmental Research Letters 15(11): 113004.

Trimmer, J.T.,† Miller, D.C., Byrne, D.M., Lohman, H.A.C., Banadda, N., Baylis, K., Cook, S.M., Cusick, R.D., Jjuuko, F., Margenot, A.J., Zerai, A., & Guest, J.S.  2020. Re-envisioning sanitation as a human-derived resource system. Environmental Science & Technology 54(710): 10446-10459.  (Selected as best paper in ES&T in 2020).

Storm, H., K. Baylis, and T. Heckelei. 2020. “Machine Learning in Agricultural and Applied Economics.” European Review of Agricultural Economics  47(3): 849–892.

Hughes, K., S. Morgan,† K. Baylis, J. Odoul, E. Smith-Dumont, T.G. Vagen and H. Kegode.  2020. “Assessing the downstream socioeconomic impacts of agroforestry in Kenya.” World Development 128(April) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2019.104835.

Waldman, K., S. Giroux, J. Blekking, T. Evans, and K. Baylis. 2020. “Smallholder food storage dynamics and resilience.” Food Security, 12: 7–20.



Zhou, Y.† and K. Baylis. 2019. “Effects of stockholding policy on maize prices: Evidence from Zambia.” Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization. https://doi.org/10.1515/jafio-2019-0057.

He, X., L. Estes, M. Konar, D. Tian, D. Anghileri, K. Baylis, T. Evans, J. Sheffield. 2019. “Integrated approaches to understanding and reducing drought impact on food security across scales.”  Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 40: 43-54.

Lentz, E., H. Michelson, K. Baylis and Y. Zhou†. 2019. “An approach to improving early warning systems: Using spatially and temporally rich data to predict food insecurity crises in Malawi.” World Development 122, (October): 399-409.

Kandpal, E.,† and K. Baylis. 2019. “The Social Lives of Married Women: Peer Effects in Female Autonomy and Children’s Food Consumption.”  Journal of Development Economics 140(September): 26-43.

Baker, K.,† K. Baylis, G. Bull and R. Barichello. 2019. “Are Non-Market Values Important to Smallholders’ Afforestation Decisions? A Psychometric Segmentation and its Implications for Afforestation Programs.” Forest Policy and Economics 100(March): 1-13.

Michler, J.,† K. Baylis, M. Arends-Kuenning and K. Mazvimavi. 2019. “Conservation Agriculture and Climate Resilience.”  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 93 (January):  148-169.

Baylis, K., L. Fan† and L. Nogueira. 2019. “Agricultural Market Liberalization and Household Food Security in Rural China.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101(1): 250–269.

Arends-Kuenning, M., K. Baylis and R. Garduno-Rivera†. 2019. “The Effect of NAFTA on Internal Migration in Mexico: A Regional Economic Analysis.” Applied Economics 51(10): 1052-1068.



Zhao, Y.,† N. Vergopolan,† K. Baylis, J. Blekking,† K. Caylor, T. Evans, S. Giroux, J. Sheffield, and L. Estes. 2018. “Comparing Empirical and Survey-based Yield Forecasts in a Dryland Agro-Ecosystem,” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 626: 147-156.

Fan, L.†, K. Baylis, C. Gundersen and S. ver Ploeg. 2018. “Does a Nutritious Diet Cost More in Food Deserts?” Agricultural Economics, 49(5): 587-597.

Baylis, K., Y. Gong† and S. Wang†. 2018.  “Bridging Versus Bonding Social Capital and the Management of the Firewood Commons,” Land Economics 94(4): 614-631.

Brown, S. †, Miller, D.C., P.J. Ordonez,† K. Baylis. 2018. "Evidence for the Impacts of Agroforestry on Agricultural Productivity, Ecosystem Services, and Human Well-Being in High-Income Countries: A Systematic Map Protocol." Environmental Evidence 7(24).



Baker, K.,† G. Bull, K. Baylis, and R. Barichello. 2017. “Towards a Theoretical Construct for Modelling Smallholders’ Forestland-Use Decisions: What can we Learn from Agriculture and Forest Economics?”  Forests 8(9): 345-367.

Börner, J., K. Baylis, E. Corbera, D. Ezzine-de-Blas, J. Honey-Rosés, U. M. Persson, S. Wunder. 2017. “The Effectiveness of Payments for Environmental Services.” World Development 96(August): 359-374.

Bixby, M., † K. Baylis, S. Hoover, S. Pernal and L. Foster. 2017. “A Bioeconomic Model of Canadian Honeybee Colonies and the Effect of Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS) in queen breeding affects colony profits.” Economic Entomology 110(3): 816-825.

Asirvatham, J. ,† P. E. McNamara and K. Baylis.  2017. “Nutritional Media Campaign Effects of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (NLEA) on Dietary Outcomes.” Cogent Social Sciences 3(1): 1-17.



Avelino, A.,  K. Baylis and J. Honey-Rosés. 2016.  “Goldilocks and the Raster Grid: Choosing a Unit of Analysis for Evaluating Conservation Programs.”  PlosOne (11)12: e0167945.

Börner, J., K. Baylis, E. Corbera, D. Ezzine-de-Blas, J. Honey-Rosés, U. M. Persson, S. Wunder. 2016.  “Emerging evidence on the effectiveness of tropical forest conservation” PlosOne 11(11) e0159152.

Songsermsawas, T.,† K. Baylis, A. Chhatre and H. Michelson. 2016. “Can Peers Improve Agricultural Revenue?” World Development 83(July): 163-178.

Gong, Y.,† K. Baylis, J. Xu, R. Kozak and G. Bull.  2016. “Risk Preferences and Farm Input Choice: Evidence from Field Experiments in China.”  Agricultural Economics 47: 1-11.

Jodlowski, M.,† A. Winter-Nelson, K. Baylis and P. Goldsmith. 2016. “Milk in the Data: Food Security Impacts from a Livestock Field Experiment in Zambia.” World Development 77(January): 99-114.

2015 & Earlier

2015 & Earlier

Baylis, K., D. Fullerton and D. Karney†. 2013. “Leakage, Welfare and Cost-Effectiveness of Carbon Policy,” American Economic Review (papers and proceedings) 103(3): 332-37.

Ganning, J.,† K. Baylis and B. Lee.  2013.  “Spread and Backwash Effects for Non-Metropolitan Communities in the U.S.” Journal of Regional Science 53(3): 464-480.

Mallory, M. and K. Baylis. 2013. “The Food Corporation of India and the Public Distribution System: Impacts on Spatial Market Integration in Wheat, Rice and Pearl Millet.” Agribusiness 30(2): 225-246.

Kandpal, E.,† and K. Baylis. 2013.  “Expanding Horizons: Can Women’s Support Groups Diversify Peer Networks in Rural India?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(2): 360-367.

vanEngelsdorp, D., E.J. Lengerich, A. Spleen, B. Dianat, J. Cresswell, K. Baylis, B.K. Nguyen, V. Soroker, Y. LeConte and C. Saegerman. 2013. “Standard Epidemiological Methods to Understand and Improve Apis Mellifera Health,” Journal of Apicultural Research 52 (1).

Nogueira, L.,† R. Barichello, K. Baylis and H. Chouinard. 2012. “Policy Risk in the Canadian Dairy Industry,” Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy 34(1): 147-166.

Baylis, K, R. Garduño-Rivera† and G. Piras.  2012.  “The Distributional Effects of NAFTA in Mexico,” Journal of Regional Science and Urban Studies 42(1-2): 286-302.

vanEngelsdorp, D. D.R. Tarpy, K. Baylis, M. Spivak, D.M. Caron, J. Connell, K.S. Delaplane, S. Donohue, W. Esaias, B. Gross, J. Hayes Jr., E.. Lengerich, J. Pettis, K. Rennich, R. Underwood, R. Rose, J. Skinner, J. Wilkes. 2012. “The Bee Informed Partnership: Using Beekeepers’ Real-World Experience to Solve Beekeepers’ Real-World Problems,” American Entomologist. (Summer): 116-118.

Dhar, T. and K. Baylis. 2011. “The Effect of the Quebec Ad Ban on Junk Food Expenditure,” Journal of Marketing Research XLVIII(October): 779-813. Lead article.  (Note, senior authorship is equally shared.)

Baylis, K., N. Paulson and G. Piras. 2011. “Spatial Approaches to Panel Data in Agricultural Economics,” Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics 43(3):325–338.

Baylis, K., L. Nogueira and K. Pace†. 2011.  “Food import refusals: Evidence from the European Union,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93(2): 566-572.

Honey-Rosés, J.,† K. Baylis and I. Ramírez. 2011. “Do our Conservation Programs Work? A Spatially-Explicit Estimator of Avoided Deforestation,” Conservation Biology 25(5):1032-1043.

Baylis, K. and N. Paulson. 2011. “GHG Trading and the Potential for Livestock Production,” Animal Feed Science and Technology GGAA Special Issue 166: 446-456.

Gong, Y.,† G. Bull and K. Baylis.  2010.  “Participation in the First Clean Development Mechanism Forest Project: The Role of Property Rights, Social Capital and Contractual Rules,” Ecological Economics 69(6): 1292-1302.

Baylis, K. and J. Perloff.  2010. “The Trade Diversion Effect of Trade Barriers: Dispatches from the Tomato Wars,” Canadian Journal of Economics 43(1): 127-151.

Baylis, K., A. Martens and L. Nogueira.  2009. “What Drives Import Refusals?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(5), 1477-1483.

Baylis, K., S. Peplow,† G. Rausser and L. Simon.  2008.  “Payment for Environmental Services: A Comparison of US and EU Agri-environmental Policies,” Ecological Economics 65(4): 753-764.

Edwards, D.,† P. Jolliffe, K. Baylis and D. Ehret. 2008.  “Toward a Plant-Based Method of CO2 Management,”  Acta Horticulturae 797: 274-278.

Allan, T.,†  and K. Baylis.  2005.  “Sinks, Rate-Based Caps and Barriers to Emissions Trading,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 53: 291-305.

Baylis, K., G. Rausser and L. Simon.  2005.  “Including Non-trade Concerns: The Environment in EU and U.S. Agricultural Policy,” International Journal of Agriculture, Resources and Governance and Ecology Special Issue on Non-Trade Concerns 4(3): 262-276.

Baylis, K. and W. H. Furtan.  2003.  “Free-Riding on Federalism: Trade Protection and the Canadian Dairy Industry,” Canadian Public Policy 29(2): 145-161.

Baylis, K. and J. M. Perloff.  2002.  “Price Dispersion on the Internet: Good Firms, Bad Firms,” Review of Industrial Organization 21(3): 305-324.

Baylis, K., P. Feather, M. Padgitt and C. Sandretto. 2002.   “Water-Based Recreational Benefits of Conservation Programs: The Case of Conservation Tillage on U.S. Cropland,” Review of Agricultural Economics 24(2): 384-393.

Heiman, A, D. Zilberman and K. Baylis.  2001.  “The Role of Agriculture Promotions in Reducing Uncertainty of Exported Fruits and Vegetables,” International Journal of Agribusiness 12 (3): 1-26.
Baylis, K and G. Rausser.  2001.  “Rules, Policy and Rent Seeking: A Cross-border Comparison,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 49(4): 493-504.

Furtan, W.H. and K. Baylis. 1999.  “State Trading:  Perceptions and Reality in Canada-U.S. Relations,” Journal of Association of Canadian Studies in the United States, Second Quarter, 14(2): 30-33.

† Denotes student or post-doctoral student coauthor.



Schmitz, A., W. H. Furtan and K. Baylis. 2002. Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness and Rent-
Seeking Behaviour, University of Toronto Press. (Textbook on U.S. and Canadian
Agricultural Policy, used in Canadian and U.S. departments of Agricultural Economics).

Books Chapters

Baylis, K., T. Heckelei, H. Storm. 2021. “Machine Learning in Agricultural Economics” Handbook of Agricultural Economics, (eds. C. Barrett and D. Just) Elsevier. Volume 5: 4551-4612. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.hesagr.2021.10.007

Baylis, K., M. Fulton and T.  Reynolds.† 2016. “The Political Economy of Food Security.” In Food Security in a Food Abundant World: An Individual Country Perspective (eds. A. Schmitz, P.L. Kennedy and T.G. Schmitz) Emerald Publishing: 177-197.

Ando, A. and K. Baylis. 2019. “Spatial Environmental and Natural Resource Economics” Handbook of Regional Science, (eds. M.M. Fischer and P. Nijkamp) Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 1029-1048. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-60723-7_53.

vanEngelsdorp, D., E.J. Lengerich, A. Spleen, B. Dianat, J. Cresswell, K. Baylis, B.K. Nguyen, V. Soroker, Y. LeConte and C. Saegerman. 2013. “Epidemiological Methods,” in BEEBOOK Vol II: standard methodologies for Apis mellifera research (eds. G.R. Williams, V. Dietemann, J.D. Ellis and P. Neumann): 7-23.

vanEngelsdorp, D., R. Brodschneider, Y. Brostaux, R. van der Zee, L. Pisa, R. Underwood, E. J. Lengerich, A. Spleen, P. Neumann, S. Wilkins, G. E. Budge, S. Pietravalle, F. Allier, J. Vallon, H. Human, M. Muz, Y. Le Conte, D. Caron, K. Baylis, E. Haubruge, S. Pernal, A. Melathopoulos, C. Saegerman, J. S. Pettis and B K. Nguyen.  2011.  “Calculating and Reporting Managed Honey Bee Colony Losses,” in Honey Bee Colony Health: Challenges & Sustainable Solutions (eds. Sammataro and Yoder) Taylor and Francis: 229-236.

Alvarez, P.,† J. Barton,† K. Baylis and M. deSoto.†  2011. “Trade and Poverty: Changes in Farming and Community in NAFTA’s First Decade,” in Globalization and the Time-Space Reorganization: Capital Mobility in Agriculture and Food in the Americas, (eds.A. Bonnero, Josepha Salete Barbosa Cavalcanti) Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing: 205-236.

Baylis, K. 2007.  “Countervailing Duties,” in Handbook of Trade Policy, (eds. James D. Gaisford and William A. Kerr) Edward Elgar Publishing (June): 347-359.

Baylis, K. G. Rausser and L. Simon. 2004.  “Agri-Environmental Programs in the United States and European Union,” in Agricultural Policy Reform and the WTO: Where are we going?, (eds. Giovianni Anania, Mary E. Bohman, Colin A. Carter and Alex F. McCalla) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing: 517-553.

† Denotes student or post-doctoral student coauthor.